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Istognosis Ltd

Istognosis Ltd was established in 2010 by young, motivated and highly educated entrepreneurs with strong background in software development, image analysis, computer vision, intelligent systems and networks. Istognosis specializes mainly in three overlapping directions: (a) in the design and development of general-purpose web-based solutions, (b) in providing telematics hardware/software solutions for vehicle fleets using state-of-the-art algorithms and tools, as well as (c) in developing energy-efficient and renewable energy solutions for private and commercial buildings. Istognosis provides consulting services and supports energy efficiency and renewable energy under the brand name Save Electricity. Istognosis provides an in-house Fleet Management System under the brand name Navarchos which currently serves 22 small-scale fleets of a total of 120 commercial vehicles.

Relative Expertise / Experience

Istognosis develops, maintains and supports an in-house fleet management system called Navarchos. Navarchos provides mainly a fleet monitoring and reporting service especially developed for fleet managers involving a significant number of reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for driver activity, profile, safety driving, and eco driving. From the perspective of telematics, Istognosis was involved as a subcontractor in a research project called REDUCTION which was funded under the 7th Framework Programme Call 7 (2011-2014). More specifically Istognosis collaborated with CTL company in installing and supporting the FMS hardware, as well as in the development of eco-driving algorithm for OSEL (Transportation Organization of Nicosia District). More specifically, Istognosis was involved in the task of CAN Bus data transmission from buses to the cloud-based server and further in the definition of a novel algorithm for estimating the speed/acceleration/deacceleration thresholds for achieving an average of 12% reduction in fuel consumption.

Website: https://www.istognosis.com


Data and Web Science Lab (DATALAB A.U.Th.) is an active research group engaged in research and innovation on ICT complex data science and engineering technologies, offering end-to-end multi way and multi scope analytics. DATALAB's group consists of vibrant researchers and developers that encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, providing project management and coordination of research projects and novel ideas for extensive and advanced software and web development.

Relative Expertise / Experience

Datalab has strong expertise in the following research topics:

  • Data mining and analysis for big data
  • Information retrieval and core management
  • Design and development 
  • Massively parallel systems
  • Strong theoretical background
  • Decentralized applications